Good Day All! I have just realised that I am actually obssesed with the meaning of "romance"and "love". Not a shocker, because I am a typical girl wanting the perfect guy and the perfect relationship. Unfortunately for me, these are rare now-a-days as the term "romance" and "love" has no meaning to youngsters. They are either in a relationship for the sake of their child (or expecting a baby), for status/ popularity and because all their friends are in steady relationships_missing the actual meaning of being in love with someone and actualy having strong feelings for someone you truely care about and want to spend the rest of your life with.
Below are 15 things guys do that we love...
Boys take note :)
- When you catch them looking at you and they smile really big and blush
- When they have long eyelashes
- When they lift you up during a hug
- When they give you butterflies
- When they talk about your future children and life together
- When they promise you forever and always
- When they buy you things for no reason than just to see you smile
- When they stand up for you
- When boys put their fingers in the spaces between yours
- When they make you their world
- When boys hold you tight when you cry
- When boys just sit and enjoy your company
- When boys act like a gentleman
- When boys let you fall asleep in their arms
- When boys say they love you and mean it

For the single ladies out their, see how many of these 15 things are true in your life...
- Having those close friends that mean the world to you
- Watching movies that make you cry
- Chuck & Blair
- Smiling when you receive a cute tesxt message (from your crush or admirer)
- Love songs
- Coloured jeans
- New heels/ platforms
- Getting ready to go out with your friends
- Looking Fabulous
- The beach
- Putting the music on its loudest and singing your heart out
- Loving your life
- Hoping you will have the perfect relationship someday
- Loving the fact that you're a girl
- Eating chocolate and ice cream

OMW tamelekjie(^^,)...i likes it veli veli much (",)_its so true!!!
i especially love the tip of the day(^*,)_keep it going gala!!!
I'm so diggn_ya BLOG (**,)_u. Nly statn d factzzz!!!I like d way u state it(*^,)I'm nt a fan of readin bt yt u gt myeyez glued 2ya blog** mee likey likey mmmh**
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