
Good Day All...

Life would not be life if God did not bless us with a group of wonderful family and friends.  They carry you through the good and the bad times, always there for support and always there with one when memories are made.
Theses days things may change and friends may leave but life doesn't stop for anybody_I am so grateful that my TRUE friends stayed around and are still with me since 2009 :)

They are the type of friends who make you laugh and happy on your worst days

True friends always says nice things behind your back

These friends are like walls to me_sometimes I lean on them and sometimes its just enough to know that they are there

We are the group of friends who will always pick each other up when one has taken a fall, but only once we have finished laughed

The annoying moment when one will make it obvious that you like your crush

Saying to each other, "If we get caught, here's the story..."

I was normal until I met these  bunch of losers_these days I call them my best friends <3

Thanks for being my unbiological sisters**

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