Good Day All...
This one goes out to all the girls who have been hurt, been cheated on or who simply dont believe that they are special. Take note, its never too late to change your life for the good and to live for yourself and no one else_ We Only Live Once, so think Twice about what you want for yourself.
We are just girls... we love being called pretty_but we will never believe it.
We not always right_but hate admitting we wrong.
We are almost always smiling_but its not always real.
We can be read like an open book_but yet we hide so much.
We wok hard at things_but don't always get what we deserve....WE JUST GIRLS!
...dont let your happiness depend on something you may lose...
We are not perfect, we make mistakes we screw up, but then we forgive and move on....our sexiest weapon that we own, is our confidence.
Quotes I truely stick by throughout my life, girls take note of this as it has changed my perception on life, the people in this world and relationships:
1. Not caring about what people think, is the best decision you will ever make.

3. Girls with the most beautiful smiles, have the saddest story...remember, smiling makes others wonder why you are happy #truestory :)
4. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...doesnt mean your lonely when your alone"_Kelly Clarkson
5. If someone wants to be part of your life, they will make an effort to be in it. Don't bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn't make an effort to stay.

6. You dont deserve to be an option... you deserve someone who knows how to make things up again after making you feel bad...not someone who's very good with just the word "sorry".
7. "Keep your head high, your chin up and most importantly keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about"_Marilyn Monroe

8. It's not about who you spend the most time's about who you have the most memories with.
9. Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing have to let go at some point in order to move forward.

These quotes may be easier said than done, but its all in your mind. If you put your mind to it, you will be able to block out all the unhappiness and saddness in your life...only time will be able to tell.
Remember that you are unique and special to someone out there...and if you do not think so, close your eyes and bow your head: Your Father believes in you and knows the path that he has set aside for you, one that is built on happiness and blessings, because He loves you more than anything in this world_he will never let His children down.